Saturday, October 11, 2008

Animatronic Chicken Nuggets. Enough Said.

Wooster Collective has a fantastic Write up on Banksy's latest work, which is also his first ever New York Show entitled: The Village Pet Store And Charcoal Grill
Besides The Chicken Nuggets, the show includes such Animatronic wonders as, a bunny applying make-up, Hot dogs in Heat lamp equipped glass terrariums, A Leopard Print jacket hanging out in a tree like the real thing, Breaded Fish Sticks that swim about their fishbowl, and a CCTV camera nuturing it's young. Not only is this a complete departure from his regular work, which consisted mostly of stencil street Tags, and paintings, but it's just an amazing usage of Animatronic sculptures in general.
I'm not normally one to gush but I wish I could visit NYC before this gets taken down after Holloween, I love everything about this.

1 comment:

Cat said...

I can't help, but think "Ah fiddle sticks" when I see the idea of fish sticks in a fishy situation (fishy as in fish like verses sneaky or suspicious). I drew a picture of people snorkeling once admiring all the different types of fish sticks. This is better though, because they look like they are swimming and it isn't just a drawing.